New Guidance Documents Now Available on ProCard Website 

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January 24, 2020

A new guidance page has been launched on the ProCard website with links to documents that will be useful to users after they have attended training.  New documents include:

  • Object Code Guidance - This reference guide is for individuals involved within the reconciliation process and should be used to aid in determining the best object code for each transaction on a payment voucher. 
  • ProCard Flowchart - Individuals should use this flowchart to evaluate whether or not the ProCard is the most appropriate method of procurement before performing the purchase.
  • Disallowed List - This list includes all of the items that are not allowed to be purchased on the ProCard.

For more information about the ProCard, attend or livestream the ProCard Town Hall on Jan. 29. This event will not contain training. Training will be held on a unit-by-unit basis.